Package framework

Provides game classes.


Interface Summary
GameEndListener The listener interface for receiving GameEndEvent events.

Class Summary
Animation An Animation is a set of images displayed one after another.
Game Base class that all games should extend.
GameEndEvent An event indicating that a game has ended.
GameEvent An event which indicates some game state change has occurred.
Images This class contains various methods for loading and manipulating images.
KeyboardState Listens to KeyEvent events to build a model of the state of the keyboard.
KeyEventStore Listens to KeyEvent events and stores them in a list.
MouseEventStore Listens to MouseEvent events and stores them in a list.
MouseState Listens to MouseEvent events to build a model of the state of the mouse.
Sound A Sound object is created for each audio file used.
SoundGroup A collection of Sound objects which can be acted on collectively.
Sprite A Sprite object is an image or animation together with a location.
Time Provides methods to get the time as accurately as is possible.

Package framework Description

Provides game classes.